The first thing that came to my mind was from university times, when Ania studied on two faculties and had to come up with various creative solutions to squeeze all the lectures. At journalism, where we studied together, the classes were in an old building (on Kraków market square) and some of the rooms were positioned one behind another with doors between them (so that some had entrance both in front and at the back). So Ania, after studying the schedule carefully, decided that the best plan is to attend one lecture in the middle room that was overlapping with the first 30 min of another lecture in the front room and then join the second lecture quietly from the back so that no-one will notice. I remember that first time when the plan went live. I was in the second lecture, the room was packed, young professor was explaining something with a lot of engagement and then there was some noise at the back and some people had to stand up to allow the back door to open. Everyone turned to see Ania standing there and trying to find a place to sit, which was impossible. The professor was completely astonished and asked: What are you doing there? We’re in the middle of a lecture! Me? – answered Ania innocently – Just trying to find a chair!